10 Minute Accomplishments

10 Minute Accomplishments

March 14, 2021

How much of a positive difference can 10 minutes make to my life?

You’d be surprised!

Ever heard of a 10-minute accomplishment? If you haven’t, you don’t have a Hello Day daily planner (they’re the bomb!). But that’s ok – this blog’s for everyone!

Here at Hello Day HQ we love our 10-minute accomplishments. And the reason we do is simple – there are just soooo many small tasks that pile up day by day, that seem either insignificant, perhaps a little tedious, or just plain simple to put off until tomorrow. But the truth is, when we eventually do these things, they are usually SO satisfying to complete and we feel rather pleased with ourselves that we actually got them done!



The list of such tasks can be endless, and when you actually write them down and plan them in each day, not only do they add a nice extra dose of accomplishment to our days, they can lead to consistently having a tidier house, more orderly office, better relationships and happier you! Grand claims I know (and I’ll explain how below) but that’s the beauty of 10-minute accomplishments – they’re the things that we think of throughout the day (ah, I really should do this, that and the other), but we mentally just put aside until later – which turns into much later and often just doesn’t get done. They don’t seem important enough or urgent enough to put on your ‘to do’ list for the day, to do right at that moment, or even to write down, so they just slip our minds.

So that’s why we decided to put the 10-minute accomplishment into the Hello Day Daily Planners, and give you a page with some suggestions and space to list your own. It’s been great to get such positive feedback over the years from customers who say they found this feature so useful, so we want to encourage everyone to get into the habit of noting down 10-minute accomplishments as and when they pop into your head, and then plan them in on a daily basis. So much so that we’ve created a free download for 10-Minute Accomplishments that you can use for yourself and for the whole family.



How then, will 10-minute accomplishments lead to me having a tidier, more orderly house and better relationships? Well, first of all the house - how many times do you walk past a pile of papers and think you really must sort through and file them? Or throw something in a drawer and think I really need to organise that drawer? Or clean the shower, or brush the dog, or dust the shelves, or change that light bulb? Ring any bells? Now relationships - how many times does a friend pop into your head who you really should call because you haven’t spoken in an age? And how much do your parents appreciate it when you call just to say hi, or your neighbour? Small tokens of friendship and thoughtfulness make great 10-minute accomplishments.

Persuaded yet? So go ahead, download our free 10-Minute Accomplishment printable, print it out, fill it in, and get the whole family into the habit of doing a daily 10-minute accomplishment and see the difference it makes to your environment and those around you.

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